(Mental) Edge.

What gives you the (Mental) Edge?  This weekend, I played in the Lifetime Fitness Tennis tournament.  For a detailed score list, click here.  Each time I step on the court I am reminded that the game is really played between the ears. Great players have a great (Mental) Edge.  It’s something I am fascinated with – because it applies off the court as welll.  Plus, it’s applicable to us all. In our lives in and OUT of work. 

The (Mental) Edge is something that can be in hiding.  And creep in only to destroy you (or your game).  It can also be something that you intentionally work with and use as a catapult to push you to victory.  

I’ll be honest – my (Mental) Edge Sunday morning at 11 a.m. was at an all time low.  I had just finished playing a grueling 2 hour match that consisted of 2 consecutive tie-break sets.  I was able to preserver and come out on top.  But my (Mental) Edge as I looked forward to playing in the Finals in just 45 minutes was about to destroy me.  I was fatigued – physically and mentally.  I didn’t think there was any more gas in the tank to keep me going.  Especially to compete against a 20-something who finished his match in under an hour.  Negativity started to creep in.   

And that’s when it hit me.  I have a choice.  Let my (Mental) Edge conquer any hopes of playing my best or do something different.  That’s how goes in life off the court as well, doesn’t it? 

I choose to harness the strength my (Mental) Edge had and reverse it – to psyche me up! Kinda like using my superpowers for good.  I sat there; I remembered the goals I wrote last year at just wanting to win a tournament by year end.  And here I am at the start of the year with a tournament within my grasp.  I needed my (Mental) Edge to help me grasp it.   And that’s just what I was able to do.  Grasp it using my (Mental) Edge. 

Here’s what you can do to keep your (Mental) Edge in grasp on or off the court: 

  • Get calm, really calm with yourself
  • Envision what it is you want – what’s the end result?  See it. Vividly. Feel it.  Wildly. 
  • Bite-size it (see little pieces along the way, these are much more doable for me.  A point at a time, a good service game, whatever it takes to inch ahead to the big prize)
  • Feel it.  This is where, at least in sports, muscle memory can help you achieve anything.  I rid the mind on both positive and negative thoughts, and kept telling myself “I’ve been here before, you know what to do.  Just focus on doing it.”   
  • Act. This is where the (Mental) Edge comes alive.  In the action.  Continued action that brings about success fuels you’re (Mental) Edge.   

What’s one thing in your life – on or off the court – that could benefit from an increased (Mental) Edge?

What are you willing to do (notice, I don’t say try) these 5 simple steps to increasing your own (Mental) Edge? 

Here’s to continued success!